

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Lost Christmas?

Christmas is coming...its the fact that most of us will be celeberating Christmas during this pandemic. Well..this title idea came up from animation which pictured the booming of a virus during Christmas Eve (Cheers if you know this tv show) 

This year will be different vibe..its hard to believe.
No gathering with friends and families
No usual service and celebration in Church
No winter travelling

You can add up the list..I believe it will be so much to be said.

So if you (and I) have mindset that Christmas is all about those list, its not a mistake to call this 2020 Christmas as
"Lost Christmas"

For myself, its a struggle to enjoy this year Christmas. But, I am still trying to imagine..what were Israelites feeling in waiting of Christ' coming as a Child? 

For the context, they were conquered by Dictatorous Roman Empire during His birth, which I may count much worse than today's condition. In addition, He was born not in a proper place. From Joseph and Mary's perspective, they were worrying for being prosecuted, as Jesus' birth was was during their pre-marriage status, physically.

Even the King was trying to kill Infant Jesus, ended up in murdering infants in Betlehem as Joseph and Mary retreated to Egypt.

See, that was a hard way to live since He was born as a human. Usually, parents were hoping to have a better life after their child has born. But, the contra was happened to Joseph and Mary.

So after knowing these struggling history,  does it make me feel grateful?

Its not easy

For those who are living in same region like me, it has been 9 months since the pandemic strikes and, no signs of the situation will be getting better!!

How to celebrate Christmas without gathering?

How to celebrate Christmas without
attending service and celebration in Church?

How to celebrate Christmas, even worse, without going anywhere?

I am sure there will be a lot of "how to" questions

However, one think for sure, which I also try to stuck this in my mind, that as long as Christ is with us, those "how to" question will be less relevant. Hopefully

Now, for this ongoing situation, I am just trying to put hope in Him, and I hope this Christmas will give the rememberance that He is there and always a hope in Him. 

To sum up, again I have to remind this verse

"He hath made everything beautiful in its time: also he hath set eternity in their heart, yet so that man cannot find out the work that God hath done from the beginning even to the end."
- Ecclesiastes 3:11 (ASV) 

Merry Christmas 2020 and Happy New Year 2021 

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