

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Stepping Up

Finally... hello again

Yes that pic sum of my situation now hectic,

Just recently join the camp from my Church in Indonesia, which gives me inspiration for this post title. Really relieved from the camp...and I realized, I haven't really stepped up from my current comfort zone

Stepping out from comfort zone is not as simple as I have imagined.

Okay before that...lemme write about comfort zone

Struggling is one of formula for stepping up, let me give you some figures in bible

1. Rehabeam

Why this figure? He was just an evil king from Judah, right?
Lets look at 2 Chronicles 11

He is the son of Solomon, the great king of Israel with his wealth and charisma. Therefore, as his heir, he was worth to rule over Judah and Northern Kingdom area and had been inherited with his father wealth. However, due to the Divine punishment, his authority was limited to around 2.5 tribes (Judah, Benjamin, and some of Levi) from 12 tribes. So, did he keep mumbling due to that adversity?

Surprisingly, according to the book of Chronicle in the same chapter, he fortified more cities than Jerobeam did (2 cities, Shecem and Penuel, 1 Kings 12:25), despite Judah has smaller area than Northern Kingdom. Moreover, he supplies all the cities with food and weapon for security and defense purpose.

Nevertheless, about his sin after first three years, Rehabeam's action in responding God's statement regarding to his authority area (2 Chronicles 11:1-4) can be the good example in facing some unexpected adverse circumstances.

2. Nehemiah


Had been employed by Persian Kingdom as a King's cup-bearer, Nehemiah must have a better life than others Jews during Artaxerxes' reign. However, he had never forget his origin and family, and most importantly, the God of Israel.

After listening from Hanani, one of his fellow brother about Judah's update (Neh 1:2), he felt saddened. Nehemiah's sadness and lamentation about Judah has triggered him to step up from his comfort zone, going back to Judah and rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem.

Moreover, God has listened to his prayer and His Hand has helped Nehemiah, through the obstacle from people that accused him for rebellion to Persian king, until he has succeeded in building the wall of Jerusalem, vital part of the city at that time.

As God have done to Nehemiah, He will also guide us in steeping from our current comfort zone!!

And, also I want to mention someone in present day, who has stepped up from his comfort zone, wealthy entrepreneur , to be a frank and sincere politician. He has shown his devotion in Christianity faith through his political career, becoming His and citizen's servant. However, he has to stepped up again from his comfort zone, Province's Governor, to be a prisoner for what he has not done(okay maybe you know who is he). By the Grace of God, he has sincerely accepted that bitter grail. However, like what Joseph and Paul has done in bible, he is still encouraging people with his writing and be the blessing in that prison.

And now for myself? Why I haven't stepped up?

At first, I thought that stepping up from comfort zone was like doing something out of my routine.
But, actually, that is only the initial step!!!!


Then, whats next? Stepping further?
From the camp that I've mentioned before, preparation to be shaped is the most crucial thing in stepping up from comfort zone!!! If you step up and refused to accept the changes outside comfort zone, boom, you have just screwed stepping up opportunity.
This maybe too abstract to be explained in detail, but that was my experience. Yes, I have screwed up many opportunities in stepping up and always stuck in the old version of me, because of my stubbornness.
However, by the Grace of God, He have given me some opportunity and I still need His wisdom in stepping up, maximizing the opportunity that He have given.

Comfort zone is a simple word, easy to understand, but very difficult to be implemented.
But, remember what Paul wrote in his days to be executed, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil 4:13, NKJV)

May God guide us in our process of stepping up from the current comfort zone.

1 comment:

  1. Through You i can do anything. I can do all things cause it's You give me Strenght. Nothing is impossible
