

Thursday, 24 September 2015

What faith can do?

Hi all...

My holiday has been 100% completed...means I have to prepare face the "real world"

Illustration of me studying...
Well, I still don't know what will happen this term as I have to adapt to new friends. Yeah, most of my inner circles are already graduated........
But, there's nothing to worry, as I have faith that He will always walk with me in every condition....errr wait, faith? What is faith all about?

A brief explanation of faith is

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, being convinced of what we do not see." - Hebrews 11:1

Well, this explanation leads to many implications.....and some of them can be right..and also can be wrong....

Some of us...and also me...(used to) think that faith can

1. Make Everything Becomes Possible

I would prefer to give an example from Bible than an explanation regarding to this. David, who was in an affair with Bathsheba, keep praying and fasting for many days in order to beseech God for healing his newborn son, who was the result of his affair. His son was cursed by God as he took Bathsheba by killing Uriah, her previous husband. Seven days David was fasting and praying faithfully that God will waive His curse, but He did not. Subsequently, David did not hate God ,that had cursed his son to death, and keep his life faithfully with ups and downs until his death.

So, yeah we must have faith that everything is possible with God. However, the matter is, we must let His will be done, not ours. Why? We must have faith that His will is the best for us.

2. Save us from the Second Death

Well this is a bit theological explanation...but of course faith does not give us 100% assurance that we will go to the heaven!! Why?

"For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of Godit is not from works, so that no one can boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9

Read, its by grace and through faith we are saved, not by faith. And also, the grace itself is the gift from God, which He give unconditionally according to His will.

3. Make us Sinless

Lets look at Abraham, father of the faithful people. Did he have sin? Yes.
He had an affair with Hagar, his wife's handmaid, as Sara's despair will of having a child.
Abram wanted to take a shortcut to have his heir although God has promised him the descendants as much as sand on the beach and stars on the sky through Sara.

4. Let us Do Anything

"Hey dude, you have faith right. Let us do buggy jumping with only a rope"
Thats one of the extreme example.
What I want to tell you is that sometimes people act carelessly (eating, driving, etc) and use their faith as a protection from the side effect.

Well, this is what the devil tested to Jesus in Matthew 4:5-6. He asked Him to throw Himself from the highest point of temple. Moreover, devil used God's word from Psalm 91;11-12 to assure Jesus in fulfilling His desire.

However Jesus answered in Matt 4:7, "Do not put the Lord your God to the test", as it has written in Deuteronomy 6:16. 
Nowadays, devil may use every word in the scripture to make us put God to the test. So, be watchful and must remember that everything we do must reflect the glory of God.

So now, how to keep us in the right track of faith

  1. Engage in the growing fellowship which has His vision (Heb 10:24-25)
  2. Use your knowledge, power, and heart in practicing faith ( Luke 10:27)
  3. Confess that only Jesus Christ is our savior from sin (Rome 6:23-24)
  4. Done some sin? Confess to Him! (1 John 1:9)
  5. Engage in conversation with God every day even in an adverse situation (1 Thes 5:17)

And finally guys, keep your faith in the right way and be grateful for everything He give through our faith. 

See you in my next post :D

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