

Thursday, 2 April 2015


Hi friends...huff

Yeah its been a long busy time and I really lack of inspiration to write a new post.....

Time flies so fast! I feel that yesterday was just the Christmas and now Easter is coming

Well...commonly people has the image of ester like the egg above or

these fluffy Easter bunny

Those images may represent Easter...however it won't be exist without

Yes, His sacrifice on the cross, to redeem our sin.

What will I write here is refer to Luke 23:33-43, when Jesus on the crucifixion

In the gospel, its written that was 3 man on the cross, Jesus and two criminals. And from those figures....let share you what message that I understand

1. Jesus

He came to the earth as a King of the king. Things to take note that king at that time has the authority to do the judgement. Therefore, technically Jesus has the big authority to judge people based on their sins.

However, instead of judging, He redeemed our sins to fulfill His Majesty task

Jesus was being assisted with Simon of Cyrene
What do I understand?

Jesus is reflecting our ideal type of ministry. His task is to serve humans and also redeem their sins.

"For the payoff of sin is death" - Rome 6:23a

Yes, He has died for our sins by sacrificing Himself to be crucified, which is His main mission of His ministry.

Well, we also have that "cross", our ministry responsibility in everything we do. We should do all of it with whole heartily and we do it for the glory of God (Col. 3:23). There's not written in the passage that Jesus dropped His cross and tried to runaway. Imagine, He carried the cross, which is obviously heavy, with His blooded head and exacerbated by the mocking of soldiers, who has crowned Him a thorn, spat Him, and smashed Him with the reed.

Imagine.....how He was still fulfilling His mission although the situation enforced Him to escape.
Today, the soldiers' treatment can be in form of laziness, business, and any other thing which may prevent us to fulfill our ministry. And when we begin to lose power in carrying our cross, our Heavenly Father will give us support like Simon of Cyrene, who was carrying Jesus' cross along with Him.

So, when you (I also remind myself) feel weak and tired in the middle of your ministry, just remember that our Lord will never leave His servant lonely to face that condition!!!

2. Two Criminals

I acknowledge that is hard to find the details about this. And as long  as I have read, the most detailed is in Luke 23:39-43 (you may add if you have more information about this :D )

One of the two criminals railed Jesus that He will save himself and other two if He is really the
Christ . This statement has the same meaning if someone said this to the great king "Are you the king? Then go to the war!". In other words, he also command Him to release them with His power. As it has been mentioned before, Jesus is the King of the king!!! And the one who was said this is a criminal!! Its really inappropriate for the criminal to command and rail the king, especially Jesus.

On the other hand, the other criminal that heard the insult, rebuked him for his inappropriateness. Moreover, this other criminal confess that he deserved to be crucified because of what he has done.
Furthermore, he also admitted that Jesus is the Lord!!! (read in KJV or Webster version)

What do I understand?

Well, recently I have to carry the "cross" as the payoff of my mistakes. Its not easy to carry and I keep mumbling and mumbling why this can be happened to me?

Suddenly, I remember David, who must face the death of his son from Bathsheba, Uriah's wife. The death is the punishment from Lord to warn David as he has killed Uriah to take Bathsheba as his wife. Although David has been asking for Lord's mercy to his son by some attempts, the punishment still proceeded. Amazingly, David was still praising Lord when he knew that his son has gone. (2 Sam 12:15-23)

Therefore, I realized and ask Him to give me the power for carrying "cross" of my mistakes.

And...what do I understand from all of this?

We do have "cross" as the result of our mistakes and also "cross" of our responsibility in our ministry, as student, banker, committee of fellowship, etc.

Why Jesus was crucified along with the criminals?

From what I understand is..

He will never leave you alone to undergo the payoff of your mistake, and  difficulties in serving Him!!

So have a blessed good Friday everyone

Hmm....my next post maybe on the late of May as I am in the middle of examination.

See you

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