

Tuesday, 23 December 2014


Hi all..

Yeah this is December...and I am sure all of us know what we will celebrate.

Christmas!! Yes it is!!!

Most of us are understand its the day of Jesus' birth from Virgin Mary (Perawan Maria in Bahasa)
,who got pregnant by the Holy Spirit.

Generally, Christmas has known as the joyful moment, where we do gift exchange, Christmas dinner, buy the Christmas decoration, go to Christmas service, and many others.

However, at the beginning of this December, I realized someone, who has submitted herself to Him

Yes its her, Jesus's mom, Mary.

You can refer to Luke 1:26-38, and I will stressed at this verse:

"So Mary said, “Yes, I am a servant of the Lord; let this happen to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her." - Luke 1:38 (NET)

This verse clearly shows that Mary's submission to God, to be the carrier of His only Son.

Through Mary, who is the ordinary woman that has faith in Him, He use her as a channel to bring in Jesus, the Messiah, to redeem our sins.

Like Mary, God has the desire in everyone of us to be the channel of His blessing.
By what? By our talents and capability!!!

Let say a student, who is mainly financed by his parents. Obviously, his main duty is studying and make some friends. How he can be His channel? Of course if he becomes the donors to finance other society, he will put the financial weight on his parents. Hmm....I don't say that students are not allowed to give the donations. We may give with also mind about our parents capability of finance.

We, as students, can be His channel of blessing by our main duty. Let say a simple thing when your friends are lazy to study, you can encourage them to study. Or maybe you can share His gospel for your friends who need that.

I am sure that some of you can give other example instead of student. So don't hesitate to share in the comment below :D

In bible, there are so many people instead of Mary who became the His Channel. I will give the one example of them

He is Jonah (Yunus in Bahasa). He is the prophet who received His command and trust to encourage people in Nineveh repent from their sins. You can read it from Jonah 1-4. Here I just summarize those verses.

Firstly, he rejected it and tried to escape to Tarshish. However, God did not let him and catch Jonah with the big fish. In the stomach of the fish, the prayed and worshiped Him. After being disgorged on a dry land, he received again His same command as the previous one and straightly went to Nineveh.

However, when the mission accomplished, he still keep his sentimental mindset and showed it with anger to God.

Lets look at ourself, as His channel, are we like Mary, who submit herself to Him and let His will be done? Or Jonah, who had fallen into anger because his work's outcome did not please his heart?

One thing to remember that what we do as a"channel" is not for us, it is for His majesty and His name to be glorified more.

May this Christmas you can share the joy and His blessing to everyone who needs that.

Ohh..anyway I have two recommendation for Christmas song

1. We Are the Reason - Avalon


2. O Holy Night - Hillsong 


Nb; Sorry I can't upload the video here :((


"For this is the way God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16 (NET)

Wish you a blessed Christmas :))

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

The Fruit

Hello all,

Its been a long long time since my last post...umm well as a new blogger, its hard for me to
find an inspiration.

Firstly as an Indonesian...I want to express a warm congratulation and support to the inaugurated president, Mr. Joko Widodo and his vice, Mr Jusuf Kalla :D :D (maybe a bit late)
Lets support them in pray and action to build the better Indonesia

Jokowi's inauguration on 20/10/2014
Mr Joko , Mr Jusuf  and their wives

Anyway...does anyone wonder why the title is fruit? 
Are we talking about...

This product?
Or this?

Actually none of them...you'll know the answer after you go through this blog

Oh anw...I have lived in two cities:

1. Jakarta

Hotel Indonesia roundabout

And with its tasty food, Ketoprak :9

2. Singapore

The popular landmark, Merlion

with these lovely friends ^^

Yeap as mentioned in my prevous blog, I was born in Jakarta and currently I am pursuing my Bachelor degree in Singapore. Thats mean that I live in Singapore remotely from my parents.

Obviously, living in here is more convenient than in my hometown (except the living expense :(( ).
You can travel anywhere anytime freely and safely. This is really my comfort zone.
Eitss...I don't mean that Singapore is the comfort zone for all of you. Any places can be your comfort zone as long as you feel comfort. Hehehe...

However, I just realized something when I attended a Sunday service. 
The pastor was preaching about this verse

"And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.." - Matthew 6:13

Therefore, he linked this verse with this

Yeap...its about Adam and Eve, the first created human, who were tempted by serpent shaped devil to eat the fruit from the knowledge tree. Eve was tempted to eat it by its appearance and wish to become the wise one. Furthermore...she gave the fruit to Adam and he ate that. So, both of them were fall into the sin because of temptation (Read Genesis 3:1-7)

However, in the previous chapter, Lord has commanded that Adam and Eve may eat fruits from every tree in the orchard except the fruit from the tree of knowledge (Gen 2;16-17)

Therefore, my pastor said in today's context, "Garden of Eden" can be any places where we feel comfort and convenient. And he said that we must watchful as "the forbidden fruits" are existed in every spot in our comfort place.

Now what is "the forbidden fruits" and "Garden of Eden" in today's context?

The pastor also mentioned that the place where we feel comfort is "Garden of Eden" today!!!
And we must be watchful to pick up "fruits" as there are so many "forbidden fruits" in every places.

So, what are "forbidden fruits" in present day?

In my opinion, there are

1. Get Drunk

Jesus said in Luke 21:34

"Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap;"

Why drunk?

Apostle of Paul advise us in Ephesians 5:18

"And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit"
Yeah, get drunk will make us loosen the control of our action, talks, and so on. Apostle of Paul said obviously in that verse that get drunk will be resulted in debauchery!!! However, that does not mean that we are not allowed to consume alcoholic drinks at all!!! 
It depends on the capability of your own body. If you know that you can get drunk easily, better not to have the drink as mentioned before, get drunk will lead to many sins!!!

2. Play Truant
I hope every shop have this policy
Every students must be understand what this means. 

Especially, if we are studying in the school remotely from our parent's control, the temptation to play truant is really strong. Moreover, universities will not give the punishment (cleaning the toilet, sun tanning in the courtyard, writing promise in the whiteboard 500 times, etc) for this action as they believe that students are well matured to hold their own responsibility.

Think of our parents, who accommodate our living expense and school fees ...do they expect us to do this? Are we glorifying Him with this action?

3.Working Illegally 

Some business like restaurant, hotel and theme park are likely experiencing shortage in the worker.
Therefore, they just try to recruit anyone, either permitted or not to work, to be the either full time or part time worker.

Like that serpent offer the fruit in Garden of Eden, we have the option to accept it or not. You should know that the risk is being deported if you get caught. Moreover, if you are still the student and not permitted to work, there is a high probability of being dropped out!! Despite of that risk, we must think back that everything we do is not for our own only, its for Him.

Well, I am sure that there will be more points can be added on. You can add that in comment form or just suggest me in personal message :)

Then, what should we do if we have consumed the "fruit"?

 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" - 1 John 1:9

And try not to repeat that sin again.

 To understand which "fruit" is "consumable", we should seek Him and listen to His word, by daily verses and even the advices from parents, friends, mentor, and any reliable persons around you.

Thats all that I can express my opinion about the "forbidden fruit" and everyone should remember that every job we do as a student, maybe as an employer, do it with all your heart as for the Lord (Colossians 3:23)

So thanks for sparing your time to read this and see you in my next post :)

Have a good day 


Monday, 16 June 2014


This is a special article for Indonesian friends, so I will write in Bahasa Indonesia :)



Halo guys, this is my second post.

Well, gak terasa udah 5 taun berlalu dari pemilu terakhir dan pastinya buat temen" angkatan gw (angkatan '94) pas 2009 blom bisa ikut pemilu pilpres. Dan akhirnya....tahun ini adalah pemilu pilpres pertama buat kita yang 17++(dan punya KTP)

Mungkin ada yang nanya, kok pemilu lagi? Bukannya 9 April kemaren baru pemilu? Well, bagi yg bingung, kemaren itu pemilu buat milih calon legislatif dan partai, which is kita milih anggota DPR sama DPRD dan buat nentuin partai mana aja yang lolos utk pemilu presiden. Dan pemilu brikutnya itu tgl 9 Juli 2014

Buat klian yg blom tau siapa aja kandidatnya, ini gw kasih tau MENURUT NOMOR URUT

1. Prabowo Subianto(Capres) - Hatta Rajasa(Cawapres)

2. Joko Widodo(Capres) - Jusuf Kalla(Cawapres)

Bingung mau milih siapa?
Oh well....erggghh...erghhmm...di blog ini gw mau share tips buat pemilu nanti. 
'Cause ini 2014, gw bakal rangkum dalam 4J dan smoga stelah membaca ini, klian bisa menentukan pilihan yg bijak :D

1. Jangan Terpengaruh Black Campaign!!!! 

Well, menjelang hari H pemilu banyak banget black campaign bertebaran. Mulai dari ungkit-ungkit kesalahan masa lalu, dibilang gak tanggung jawab, penyebaran artikel tulisan mengenai kejelekkan kandidat, dan masih banyak lagi. Klo boleh curcol dikit *eaaa, di fb gw pun udh bertebaran byk artikel yg bisa dibilang sebagai black campaign. Haiahhhhh....

Even worse, byk media massa mulai dri newspaper, e-news, sampe tv mulai frontal sebarin black campaign. So, klian hrs cermat untuk cari informasi mengenai kandidat yg bakal klian pilih.Intinya, gali informasi dari media massa yang netral dan gak jelek"in atau terlalu muji" kandidat tertentu!!!! 

Dan media massa yg netral bukan media yg selalu mengekspos sisi positif kandidat pilihan kalian!!!!

2.Jangan Terpengaruh Pemberian Material 
Ilustrasi; reaksi duit kita klo dipake buat money politic :))


Pemberian materi yg gw maksud di sini bisa berupa banyak bentuk. Contohnya pas kampanye pileg kmrn ada caleg" yang sumbang jalanan, meja pingpong, sama buku tabungan. Dan lucunya pas si penyumbang kalah di pemilu, mereka bongkar jalanan yg disumbang, ambil balik meja pingpong, sama tarik balik buku tabungan. 

Commonly, materi tsb biasanya in form of money. Money? Yes!!! Its money politic.
Ada fenomena khusus di Indonesia regarding to the money politic, which called Serangan Fajar. Dimana bakal ada bbrp tim sukses calon tertentu bagi-bagi uang waktu pagi, bbrp jam sblom pemilu mulai.

Ingat temen", kesejahteraan 5 tahun gk bisa terbayarkan oleh bbrp lembar uang :))

3.Jangan Lupa Survei Kandidat

Untuk menarik simpati rakyat, para capres dan cawapres memaparkan visi misi mrk buat 5 taun kedepan if they are being elected. 

Di sini gw mau kasih tau, jangan milih sang capres dan cawapres hanya berdasarkan visi dan misi!!!!!!  

Setelah gw teliti dan baca dri berbagai sumber, gw simpulkan kalau paling penting perhatikan background dan sepak terjang dri masing-masing calon. Jdi, luangkan wkt klian utk searching mengenai para kandidat dri sumber" terpercaya dan netral 

For your personalcomparison, gw share video debat capres sama cawapres :D

4.Jangan Golput


Ini yg pling penting setelah 3J di atas, JANGAN GOLPUT!!!!
Kesempatan ikut pemilu hrs kalian syukuri krn ini adalah salah satu kesempatan kalian buat berkontribusi ke bangsa kita yg tercinta. Dan kesempatan brikutnya bakalan 5 taun lagi dan itu akan terjadi klo "Orde Baru" gak keulang lagi!!!!!

Curcol sdikit mengenai golput (eaaa..)

Gw pas pileg kmrn lgi ada di Singapura dan berhubung blom prnh ngurus dokumen di KBRI, jdi gw gk dpt undangan buat nyoblos. Which means, gw hrs daftar sendiri biar bisa ikut pemilu di KBRI.

Gw sempet mikir buat golput aja krn dalam pemikiran gw klo kita nyoblos toh bakalan dicurangin suaranya, gak ngaruh ke pilpres, dan hal" negatif lainnya.

Dan, Puji Tuhan ada tmn yg ngajakin ikut pemilu dan membuka pikiran gw lwt slh satu ayat Alkitab

Yeremia 29:7

"Usahakanlah kesejahteraan kota ke mana kamu Aku buang, dan berdoalah untuk kota itu kepada TUHAN, sebab kesejahteraannya adalah kesejahteraanmu." 

(Dari http://www.sabda.org/sabdaweb/bible/chapter/?b=24&c=29)

Well, gw berpikir, brapa lama Tuhan "membuang" (scr halus: menempatkan) gw di Indonesia? Sudahkah gw mengusahakan kesejahteraan bgi Indonesia? 
Pikiran di ataslah yg akhirnya membulatkan tekad gw buat daftarin diri dan ikut nyoblos di KBRI krn stiap satu coblosan dri masing" rakyat bakal menentukan nasib bangsa 5 taun ke dpn!!!

Bgmn nasib suara kita nantinya?? Serahkan pd Tuhan!!! Lakukan saja apa yg bisa kita lakukan yaitu dateng ke tps dgn tenang, nyoblos pilihan klian, celupin tangan ke tinta, trus keluar dri tps dgn tenang. After you've done the steps, voila!!! Klian sdh mengusahakan kesejahtraan Indonesia.

Bagi klian yg ada di Singapura ini flyer Pemilu Presiden 2014
(Info lebih lanjut cek www.pplnsingapura.org )

sumber: www.pplnsingapura.org



Dan untuk Indonesia, klian (yg ada ktp) bakal nyoblos tgl 9 Juli 2014 di kelurahan masing"  dan make sure klian sdh terdaftar!!!!

Untuk yg di luar Indonesia sama Singapura, coba klian cek website Panitia Pemilihan Luar Negeri (PPLN) negara klian masing"

Hufff....dan untuk klian yg blom punya KTP, klian jg bs berpartisipasi dengan cara mendoakan kelancaran slama pemilu :)))

Dan temen" sebangsa dan setanah air, itulah tips 4J mengenai pemilu yg bisa gw share...
Feel free klo ada yg mau nambahin atau ksih masukkan tapi JANGAN KOMEN BERBAU KAMPANYE!!!!!!! Gw mau menjaga netralitas di blok ini :))

Jangan lupa buat berdoa utk pemilu ini biar gak terjadi hal" dinginkan kyk kerusuhan antar pendukung, pembakaran tps, dll :)) 

So, jangan golput and let us give an impact to our beloved country!!

And stay tuned for my next post :D

- gambar poin 1,2 dan 3 dri google
- gambar pasangan kandidat dri google
- flyer pemilu di Singapura dri www.pplnsingapura.org
- video dri youtube

Monday, 2 June 2014

Hello :)


Well this is my first time I write a blog, so pardon me for some mistakes if any. Hehehehehe

Lemme intro myself, my name is Heryanto, 20 y.o. when I write this post,and I am currently studying in Singapore at Singapore Institute of Management taking Accounting and Finance Major. Well from my name, you can guess that I am Indonesian. Yes, I am Chinese Indonesian and proud of it. I live in Jakarta, the Indonesian cap. city. I come from Hakka tribe(Hakka nyin read:Hakka ngin) and I speak Hakka dialect every day to my family.I have one younger brother and also studying in Singapore. I am a Christian(Protestant), who have faith in Lord, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.

Talking about hobby ummmm.....well its a bit complicated for me. I like to take photo in a suitable moment lets say like in vacation and outing. In my spare time, I usually read some article and do some sport. My fav sports are fitness and swimming.

Lets talk about school life. Well, mine is not wonderful as HSM or Ada Apa Dengan Cinta but I really enjoy it from primary until now. My secondary high school is SMAK 1 BPK PENABUR Jakarta (my friend usually call SMUKI). I have learned so much things from material subject like physics, math, etc to lessons of life. However, my life has been changed in my university life. Staying in Singapore separates me and parents and enforces me to become independent. Thanks God as He give me friends from campus and Church who always give me support when I'm down and give me advises to be a better person. I love my friends and always enjoy spend time with them.
I have friends from different family backgrounds, nationality, ages, etc so it makes me to become open minded.

And now, I share some pics with my univ friends :D

Last Christmas 2013 from left: me, Eca, Kezia, Angel, Anita, Axiong and Ko Mike

Last 2014 CNY steamboat from left ro right(facing cam) me, Franky, Ceri, Harry, Okta, Amanda, Jill, Dessy, and Clara

Last outing 2014 after exam(wohoo) to SEA Aquarium
Behind from left to right: Clara, Emei, Novi, and Amanda
Front from left to right: Dessy, Jill, Harry, me^^, and Clifford

 Well I think this is the end of my first post. Stay tune for another post and have a blessed days :D